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Welcome to the New era special report on the 20 achievements of Paraguay, the founding president of the "Pakistan-China International Economic and Trade Promotion Association" Jiang Juying

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Special Report: Jiang Juying, founding President of Paraguayan Association for the Promotion of International Economic and Trade

Jiang Juying,Paraguaya-china International Economic and Trade Promotion Association founded in 2013,It is the core of the Paraguayan Overseas Chinese Association "Six in one",It is a common platform for overseas Chinese in Pakistan,It is responsible for safeguarding the dignity of the motherland and promoting China-Pakistan friendship and economic and trade exchanges,Do a good job of "two equal importance" and "two maintenance",An important force for building harmonious overseas Chinese communities。

As the Chinese say, "Fire shows gold."。After 10 years of sharpening a sword, the Association has faced stormy seas and storms, and the ship "Unity" has braved the wind and waves, bravely and bravely forged ahead, and walked out of a right path of mutual strength, solidarity and friendship, and common prosperity。Standing at the crossroads of history, we must not only look back at the way we came, but also remember the original intention of the association。"Six in one" work together to build a more comprehensive, close, pragmatic and harmonious high-quality overseas Chinese community construction, and jointly start a new journey for a harmonious overseas Chinese community。

In the past ten years, under the guidance of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese and the Chinese Embassy and Consulates in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and with the support of relevant departments of China and Brazil, the Pakistan-China Association for the Promotion of International Economic and Trade has been adhering to the general idea of overseas Chinese affairs and actively and independently serving overseas Chinese。Fulfill patriotism and support overseas Chinese, strengthen friendship, and extensively unite overseas Chinese and Taiwan compatriots,We will comprehensively promote economic, cultural and cultural development,To ensure that all operations of the overseas Chinese delegation are in accordance with laws and regulations,We will promote the development of overseas Chinese delegations,Make every effort to promote the friendship and cultural exchanges between the two peoples,Do a good job in connecting the motherland with overseas Chinese as a bridge and bond。The heavy "report card" of the Association from 2013 to 2022 is engraved with the footprints of the struggles of our overseas Chinese community and the advanced overseas Chinese community to walk hand in hand through trials and hardships。This sweat, every bit of progress, every achievement, all embody the efforts and dedication of "Ba-China Promotion Association" and colleagues。

Today, the theme of celebrating the 10th anniversary of the association is "Harmony among Overseas Chinese Communities. . Resource sharing . ⼼⼿相连 . Forge ahead" 。The Overseas Chinese Association has played an important role in the past ten years, and I believe that the six integrated colleagues of the Promotion Association will work together to achieve a higher level。

I. Harmony of overseas Chinese community and resource sharing:

At the beginning of April 2013, the Association and the Chinese Association of Dongfang joined forces to promote harmony among the overseas Chinese community。Together with Mr. Chen Chuan-geng, director of the 9th, 16th and 17th sessions of Dongfang Chinese Association Hall, we strive to forge ahead, create channels for harmonious resource sharing among overseas Chinese communities, and promote the unity of all forces that can be united in the overseas Chinese community。For example, in 2015, a Chinese resident in Shanghai was struck down by lightning and his life was in danger. Upon hearing the news, Chen Chuan-geng, president of the Chinese Association, immediately informed the members of the association to implement rescue measures。The Chinese Association not only saved Wang's life, but also arranged the association staff to take care of him 24 hours in turn, and also won all medical expenses and other expenses for the overseas Chinese Wang。This spirit of saving the dead and protecting the wounded lives on in the overseas Chinese community。(I was in China at that time) In the same year, Mr. Shi Junmou and Mr. Chen Chuan-geng, the advisory group of the Chinese Association, helped our overseas Chinese to resolve an economic dispute of 58,000 US dollars between overseas Chinese in Shanghai and Hong Kong, and with the help of the two, the Shanghai overseas Chinese successfully recovered all the money。Ms. Zhang Fengqin, consultant of the Chinese Association, has selflessly helped new overseas Chinese in the overseas Chinese community to solve various difficulties with her own resources。In the past ten years, the Chinese Association Hall and the Pakistan-China Council for the Promotion of International Trade have adhered to the "harmonious resource sharing of overseas Chinese communities", and the feelings of "sincere service and harmony of overseas Chinese communities" have remained unchanged。

Ii. Promote the construction of Overseas Chinese Delegations and develop the "Six in One"。

Paraguay has an area of 406,752 square kilometers。The city of Beethoven, the capital city of Asuncion, Oriental City and other cities are 500 kilometers away from the federation。As you can imagine, long-distance service only wechat contact, more than 500 kilometers away, if the overseas Chinese encountered emergency difficulties, it is beyond reach, far water can not save the near fire, always how to synchronize? However;Always urgent for overseas Chinese, want to think for overseas Chinese, from a distant, pragmatic, service, always must develop regional associations, this idea has become a pragmatic basis for serving overseas Chinese。

In the past ten years, since 2014, it has been established successively: "Ba-China Promotion Association Beethoven Association".Ba-china Promotion Association Chinese Women's Association.Home for Overseas Chinese of Pakistan-China Promotion Association.Ba-china Promotion Association Youth Association.Asuncion Association of Ba-China Promotion Association.In the past ten years, the association has played a functional role and active, pragmatic, and service advantages and roles for overseas Chinese, especially during the epidemic prevention and control period, the association has made selfless assistance and contributions。From 2018 to August, the leaders of the China Overseas Chinese Federation in Hubei Province visited our overseas Chinese Association, gave them a high degree of recognition, and positioned the structure of "six in one" as a great idea to serve overseas Chinese。

3. Good Cultural public welfare Undertakings:

Since its inception, the Association has led the overseas Chinese community to integrate into the local community by "giving back to the local", and has cooperated with the local state government and municipal government every year to give back to the society by winter relief and various "donation" modes, and has provided more than seven figures of local materials in the past ten years。It has established a good image of Chinese people in the local area。

Fourth, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese: the Pakistan-China International Economic and Trade Promotion Council legalizes various services for overseas Chinese,More than 100 shops in the city of Beethoven,Every year, the local departments suffer a lot of unreasonable charges and arbitrary charges,Before there was an association,Each time it is checked by the local government, it charges 58 million yuan to the overseas Chinese shop,After the establishment of association,Zhou Ping, president of the Association, will patiently negotiate with the local "inspection" parties with the legalized local government approval documents,To obtain reasonable payment for more than 100 overseas Chinese shops in Dauphin,⼗年来,The unreasonable charge per store has been reduced from 50 million yuan to 50 times that before the charge standard,This measure of the Chamber of Commerce and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese and safeguard the interests of overseas Chinese。

Iv. Safeguarding the legitimate Rights and interests of overseas Chinese:

The Pakistan-China International Economic and Trade Promotion Association legalized various services for overseas Chinese,More than 100 shops in the city of Beethoven,Every year, the local departments suffer a lot of unreasonable charges and arbitrary charges,Before there was an association,Each time it is checked by the local government, it charges 58 million yuan to the overseas Chinese shop,After the establishment of association,Association President Zhou Ping with the legalized local government approval documents and the local "inspection" parties after patient negotiation,For Beethoven more than 100 overseas Chinese shops to win a reasonable payment,Past ten years,The unreasonable charge per store has been reduced from 50 million yuan to 50 times that before the charge standard,This measure of the Chamber of Commerce and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese and safeguard the interests of overseas Chinese。

Fifth, integrate into the local areas and boost the economic and trade development of China and Pakistan

Ccpit at the Shanghai World Expo and the Sixth Economic Forum of Latin American Countries,Have actively participated in and promoted,Participated with leaders of the Paraguayan Ministry of Industry and Commerce, State Bureau of Industry and Commerce, and led 10 Paraguayan enterprises to interact with Chinese entrepreneurs,Introduced a dozen onibos (buses) for Paraguay,Introduce a biscuit factory, introduce a number of equipment made in China, reduce risk investment for Chinese small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, and respond to incoming inquiries and information at any time,Overseas Chinese as a bridge,To go out to introduce a full range of services。

Sixth, community construction

Paraguay China Federation for the Promotion of International Economic and Trade;It is an overseas Chinese non-governmental organization that has been investigated and approved by the Paraguayan Ministry of State Security and the Interpol Investigation Bureau, and submitted to the House of Representatives and the Ministry of the Interior, and directly approved by the President of Paraguay 。Due to the work needs of different regions and different situations, in order to better serve overseas Chinese members, the Association has established the following associations: Pakistan-China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Beethoven City Association, Pakistan-China Women's Association, Pakistan-China Home for Overseas Chinese, Pakistan-China Youth Association, and Pakistan-China Association for the Promotion of Asuncion。The "six in one" will implement the ideological guidelines of the association such as pragmatism, innovation, harmony and good deeds, and resource sharing, and shoulder the heavy responsibility to carry out the conference affairs steadily。With the support of the relevant departments of the local government, the Chinese Overseas Chinese Affairs Department and the Chinese Embassy and Consulates in Sao Paulo provide services for overseas Chinese in the territory。

7. Give play to the advantages of the community:

Pakistan-china International Economic and Trade Promotion Association "six in one", unity is strength, play the role of various associations。如 2020-1-20,Bad news of COVID-19,The Association organized a number of cadres and the Youth Association President Chen Chunyong to set up a "volunteer team",24 hours to monitor the health, safety and other measures and isolation trends of overseas Chinese in the community,In the promotion association, the overseas Chinese community repeatedly advocated that overseas Chinese must do a good job in epidemic prevention, fight the epidemic together, and help each other。When overseas Chinese were infected, the Federation and the association immediately organized sympathy and care, provided anti-epidemic materials, and jointly protected the blue sky of Paraguay. With the joint efforts of the community, all overseas Chinese living in Paraguay were safe and won the unprecedented disaster。

Eight, establish a model, based on functions, social responsibility:

巴中促进会始终遵循习近平总书记、中国侨联对海外侨胞的期望:希望海外侨胞能够“融⼊当地、回馈当地社会”。The association plays an active leading role, takes the initiative to assume "social responsibility", bases itself on its functions and gives play to its advantages。The Association sets a good example for overseas Chinese communities with unity and dedication: Since the establishment of the Association,The local government awarded the association six honorary citizens, 2021,Paraguayan State awarded the "First Contribution to Society Award" to overseas Chinese enterprises, the first award of "Export earning foreign exchange" in the textile industry for ten consecutive years, and the "Excellent Entrepreneur Award" awarded by the Ministry of Industry.。In 2020, the Chinese Consulate General in Sao Paulo awarded the Advanced Group in the fight against the epidemic, and the Zhejiang Provincial People's Government awarded overseas Chinese the Hero in the fight against the epidemic。

Ix. Epidemic Prevention and Control:

Pakistan-china Promotion Association participated in the first half of the domestic epidemic response, and the second half stayed in the local local epidemic response。The cadres of the association are trying their best to find anti-epidemic materials to assist the country,24 hours of overtime,Solve the transportation difficulties,With the support of Zhejiang Overseas Chinese Federation,More than 3.3 million medical masks have been shipped back to China from Vietnam, Brazil, Paraguay and other places, contributing to the safety and epidemic prevention of soldiers in their hometowns who are participating in the first line of the epidemic response and the resumption of work and production in their hometowns,Send warm epidemic prevention materials to the relatives of overseas Chinese for the cadres of the association。

10. Cultural Construction:

Follow the spirit of the "Tenth Generation Meeting" of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese;"Overseas Chinese should actively tell Chinese stories well", the promotion association leads overseas Chinese to tell Chinese stories well in the local area, and earnestly implement and implement。Every year on the birthday anniversary of the Party, the birthday of the motherland, the Annual Festival, etc., the Promotion Committee organizes various associations and overseas Chinese to hold celebration activities, and carries forward the 5,000-year history of Chinese civilization and respects the fine traditional Chinese culture in the promotion Committee。And actively responded to the Chinese Overseas Chinese Federation's collection of Anti-Japanese War drawings in English was selected into the Overseas Chinese History Museum。 Actively respond to the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese to help the Beijing Winter Olympics, guzheng performance and composition of Zhongshan Overseas Chinese School, lyrics of Pakistan-China Council for the Promotion of International Trade。The two iconic videos working together were elected into the Overseas Chinese History Museum by the Chinese Overseas Chinese Federation, promoting the overseas Chinese enterprise culture and promoting the "Home of Overseas Chinese" are active in the positive energy of the cultural industry。

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